

The account of Daniel is rich with training in courage, prophecy, prayer and dependence on God through adversity and triumph. We learn more about the sovereignty of God over kingdoms and regimes, as well as key character lessons from the faith and obedience of Daniel. We took a 5 week journey through Daniel chapter 1 to 7.

In addition, we have created a 30 day devotional study which is available for download below.



30 day devotional


30 Day Devotional


Family Devotional


Teen Devotional



Listen to the 30 daily episodes on Anchor or download below.


Life Group Guides


Week One

Following God Into Exile

Week Four

Following God Into The Lions Den

Week Two

Following God Into The Furnace

Week Five

Following The One True King

Week Three

The Message & The Messenger

church leaders!

If you would like to run this series at your church, you can download all of our sermon notes, series artwork (posters, social media, web banners etc.) and more FREE at commonresources.com