tough questions
Our Tough Questions section is all about helping believers think and thinkers believe. Everyone grapples with certain issues of faith, and for some those issues are obstacles that stand in the way of them being able to fully believe the claims of Christ. In Tough Questions we explore these issues, and hope to bring a fresh perspective on some age old struggles.
recorded talks
Why Are So Many Christians Hypocritical?
Hasn’t Science Disproved Christianity?
What Can We Know With Certainty About The Jesus Of History?
Isn’t The Bible’s Sex Ethic Hopelessly Outdated?
How Could A Loving God Allow Such Suffering?
Wasn’t Jesus Just A Great Man, Not Some Divine Saviour?
Surely There Can’t Be Just One True Religion for everyone?
Isn’t The Bible A Corrupted Product Of Man, Not God?
written articles
Why Does The Bible seemingly Condone Slavery?
A book that supports slavery is ethically and culturally regressive. Yet the Bible seems to do just that. This has led many sincere seekers and arsenal-gathering skeptics to reject the Bible as a gift to humanity, as well as the Christian gospel it articulates.
Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations?
Unless you’ve studied the ancient languages, you won’t be able to read a copy of the original writings. Therefore, it’s essential for us, as well as people all around the world, to have a translation in our own native language if we want to read and understand the teachings of the Bible for ourselves.
Does God Expect Wives To Submit To Their Husbands?
This document seeks to establish how complex and nuanced the biblical teaching about headship and marriage are. It is hoped that skeptics will doubt their doubts about Scripture’s wisdom on the matter, and that Christian couples will find some light.
What About Those people Who Never Hear About Jesus?
Sooner or later, everybody exploring Christianity wrestles with this issue. The question goes like this: If Jesus is the only way to God, what about all the innocent people who have never heard about Christ? Would God really punish them for something that wasn’t their fault?
Who Really Wrote The Bible?
If so much is riding on this collection of books, how do we know we have the ‘right’ books? What if God inspired someone, but their book didn’t make the cut? Or what if we got the wrong books and, consequently, our whole view of God is wrong?
Were Jesus’ Bones Found?
By making sure to read the stories carefully, we consider nine definitive observations that emerge to debunk this theory.
What About Evolution?
This article is not going to persuade you that the theory of evolution is right or wrong. That’s not what you’ll find here. We aim to offer a fresh perspective that whether God created by evolution or not is not a major biblical issue at all, even though many Christians think it is.
The Six Biggest Objections
When asked “Why do you think Christianity is not true?” Six answers surfaced most commonly. In this article, we will look at all six and provide a brief response to each.
The Claim: Christianity is a copycat religion that stole its beliefs from mythology or mystery religions and that Jesus’ resurrection never happened. it was merely a plagiarised story from ancient mythology.
Many spiritual seekers cannot bring themselves to commit to Christ because they find its exclusive claim that Jesus is the only way to God close-minded, judgmental, intolerable and arrogant.
Is ‘The Secret’ Right?
In 2006, Rhonda Byrne released the 260-page best-selling book, The Secret as well as the DVD by the same title. The big ‘secret’ according to Byrne is what she calls ‘the Law of Attraction’. But, from a Christian perspective, there are some problems with the teachings of the book.
Is The Da Vinci Code True?
Though first published in 2003, Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code remains a bestseller. To help you understand the fine line between fact and fiction in this fascinating story, we summoned the help of an expert, Dr. Craig L. Blomberg, Professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary.
‘The God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins is an extended diatribe against religion in general and belief in God in particular. This article serves as our rebuttal to his assertions.
How Do I Put My Faith In Christ?
The Bible is clear that no one is a Christian merely because they are quite moral, or are born one, or because they give mere intellectual assent to the facts of Christianity.
If God Is Real Then Why Is There So Much Pain And Suffering?
When you examine the wonders of creation, it’s hard not to believe in a Creator. But then along comes disorder and chaos. And suddenly, all our theories of providence and logic and order go right out the window.
How Can A supposedly Good God Send People To Hell?
What a good question. What a loaded question. It’s loaded because it assumes a whole bunch of stuff before it’s even been answered. Let’s start by first deconstructing the question.
Does ‘Zeitgeist’ (Movie) disprove Christianity?
The first part of this movie makes the claim that ‘Jesus, is a literary and astrological hybrid, and is most merely a plagiarisation of the Egyptian Sun-god Horus.’
Can We Trust The Bible’s Claims About Christ?
Thousands of highly educated people have become convinced of the claims about Christ once they open-mindedly explored the facts for themselves.
Does the Bible contradict itself?
The Bible can be a challenging book to read. Not only was it written thousands of years ago in a different culture and in ancient languages, but the Bible also contains what many believe are contradictions. For example, two accounts of the same event often tell different stories and the reader is left wondering which account is true, or if the Bible should even be trusted. After all, if there are genuine inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible, doesn’t this call into question the so-called truth it claims to communicate?
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
What makes Jesus unique among religious leaders and great leaders in general, is his relationship with death. Leaders have met with all manner of untimely deaths. Assassination, suicide, accidental death etc. But death sought and found them nonetheless. What is not unique about Jesus is that his enemies killed him; what is unprecedented, if the Gospels are to be believed, is that he foretold how and when it would happen and resigned himself to it (actually chose it), stating that death had no power over him.
Can I Trust The Four Gospels?
The majority of information about Christ’s life is found in four documents: the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we are to believe Jesus is who he said he was, we must first determine the historical trustworthiness of these four documents. Because the gospels are ancient documents, historians often employ three tests to determine reliability (this would be true of any ancient document).
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